Modern Equipments

Tscan machine

For digitally understanding Occlusion and teeth contact. Helps in Treating TMD patients, giving as Near Computerized assisted perfect bite.

One of the world’s finest instruments available rarely in India, acquiring it gives the most perfect evaluation.

Dental rvg - vatech

It gives one of the best small and precise teeth x-rays as what we can see and evaluate about teeth and bone.

Bluephase NM

One of the high end product used for tooth colored filling, Precise hardening of the material gives life long strength to the filling material.

Electromyography unit

This, when used alongwith tscan, gives actual intensity of muscles so as to understand which tooth contact is giving more trouble to muscles. When used alone, can be evaluated to understand the resting activities of muscles. This equipment is very helpful to evaluate TMJ pain, headaches etc

Ultra low frequency TENS unit

What general tens machine used are high frequency ranging from 50 to 150 htz, which acts on sensory nerves. This ULTRA LOW FREQUENCY TENS unit, ranges from 1 -10 hertz, acts directly on motor nerves of face and chewing muscles. Helps to get proper bite records, helps in differentiating TMJ pain and other pain.

Light curing box

Blu-Lux is a light curing unit used for curing impression trays. It is also used for post curing of 3D printed resins and light curing pattern resins. It’s presence makes our impression making procedures customised according to patients mouth and needs, very fast in curing and hardening tray material, makes life easy for patient.

Confident Chamundi chair

Confident Chamundi Chair. Made in India, one of the Finest chair available in India, with memory foam. Due to long dental treatment duration, on this chair, their won’t be any back pain or cervical pain while continuously lying down on for treatment . Sturdy enough, so can handle weight upto 250 kgs. So, patient being overweight, would also be very comfortable.

Endomotor and apex locator (J Morita - Japan)

J Morita endomotor and Apex locator. World-class, Japanese machine, used for accurate and precise root canal treatments. No other competitors root canal equipment stands in front when comes to the precision achieved.